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Letter from the CEO

Letter from the CEO

Ayobami Omotoriogun

The variables that define security and threat are ever changing and in order to stay protected, you require a strategic partner who is dynamic and is ahead of the changing trends.

In order to reverse the rising trend of insecurity and terrorism in world especially in Africa, it has become iminent and a matter of responsibility for individuals and corporate organizations who can offer innovative protective solutions for combating crime to step up.

It is on the cornerstone of this need that Buckler Ordnance Systems was founded. We hold a belief that “no one can know and understand a home better than its occupants”. It is time for African Nations to start developing the framework of their own security from the inside out.

B.O Systems is a reputable military equipment manufacture and our products span through civilian, police and military applications. We have a team of highly skilled engineers who take our productions through conceptualization, design, simulation/prototyping, testing and production. We utilize state of the art CNC Equipments and Conputer Aided tools to achieve this.

Our core mandate is to help African Nations develop their Military Industrial Complex. However, this is subject to prevailing international policies and laws.


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